Michael Newman

Michael Newman

Emeritus Director

Agricultural Extension and Education

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 9745
Mississippi State, MS 39762
  • PhD., Mississippi State University
  • M.S., The Ohio State University
  • B.S., Mississippi State University

Recognitions and Awards:
  • Grisham Master Teacher


  • Prince, J.M., D.R. Shaw, W.A. Givens, M.E. Newman, M.D. Owen, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan. 2012. Benchmark study I: Introduction, weed population, and management trends from the benchmark survey 2010. Weed Technology 26:525-530.  Download
  • Prince, J.M., D.R. Shaw, W.A. Givens, M.E. Newman, M.D. Owen, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan. 2012. Benchmark Study II: A 2010 survey to assess grower awareness of and attitudes toward glyphosate resistance. Weed Technology 26:531-535.  Download
  • Prince, J.M., D.R. Shaw, W.A. Givens, M.E. Newman, M.D. Owen, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson, D.L. Jordan. 2012. Benchmark Study III: Survey on changing herbicide use patterns in glyphosate-resistant cropping systems. Weed Technology 26:536-542.  Download
  • Prince, J.M., D.R. Shaw, W.A. Givens, M.E. Newman, M.D. Owen, S.C. Weller, B.G. Young, R.G. Wilson,D.L. Jordan. 2012. Benchmark Study IV: Survey of grower practices for managing glyphosate-resistant weed populations. Weed Technology 26:543-548.  Download
  • Gammill, T., M.E. Newman. 2005. Factors associated with faculty use of web-based instruction in higher education. Journal of Agricultural Education 46(4):60-71.  Download
  • Wingenbach, G.J., D. Ladner, M.E. Newman, M.R. Raven. 2003. AAAE Members' computer technology assessment. Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research.  Download
  • Sexton, J.S., M.R. Raven, M.E. Newman. 2002. A comparison of traditional and world wide web methodologies, computer anxiety and higher order thinking skills in the in-service training of Mississippi 4-H extension agents. Journal of Agricultural Education 43(3):25-36.  Download